Our Fish
Come see what we do here. We welcome the opportunity to show you the aquaculture/aquaponic systems, greenhouse, straw bale barn and the rest of Wildflower Farm. Contact us today to schedule!
Our first indoor fish tanks were constructed in a straw bale barn in 2000. Up until that point we raised fish in outdoor ponds which we still maintain. The fish room contains seven tanks, ranging in size from 10,000 gal. to 1,000 gal., and totaling about 33,000 gal. All of our tanks run on pure spring water. While we now specialize in Tilapia we have raised Bass, sunfish, Perch, Walleye, and bait fish. Two new tanks will be dedicated to trout and salmon this coming year.
The water from our tanks circulate through our greenhouse and feed plants in both the aquaponic system and the earth tables. Solids are captured in an underground tank outdoors to irrigate summertime crops or be mixed in with our cow manure compost.
The specialty of Wildflower Farm is the science of biofiltration, the heart of modern aquaculture. Having recently retired from teaching Aquatic Science and Aquaculture, John now spends a good deal of his time in the research, design and construction of systems from homeowner to commercial sizes. Please feel free to contact us if you’re interested in having your own system or are experiencing problems with a tank system or pond you have now.
The availability of fish for meat is highly variable. The majority of our production is committed to existing customers at this point. Contact us if you would like to get on a waiting list.
We have started our own breeding program for Tilapia and do have stock available from 1” fry to 1lb. fish, in limited numbers (all male from YY White Nile stock). Contact us for prices and availability.